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Subject: Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning, training and after-sales services of generators, inverters-chargers systems, geophysical / hydrogeological, laboratory, office / ICT equipment and vehicles (Нигерия - Тендер #2978134)


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Страна: Нигерия (другие тендеры и закупки Нигерия)
Номер конкурса: 2978134
Дата публикации: 13-03-2018
Источник тендера:

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The National Authorising Officer of the EDF/Honourable Minister of Budget and National Planning, Abuja, Nigeria

Instead of:


16. Selection Criteria


3) Technical capacity of tenderer (based on i.a. items 5 and 6 of the Tender form for a supply contract). The reference period which will be taken into account will be the last 5 years from submission deadline.

— Lot 1: The tenderer has delivered supplies under at least one contract, or alternatively at least 2 contracts with a combined budget, of at least 80 000 EUR in delivery, installation and commissioning of diesel driven electrical power generator(s) of 15kva or more capacity and DC Inverter electrical power systems of 2.5kva or more capacity which were implemented during the following period: 5 years from the submission deadline (March 2013 to February 2018),

— Lot 2: The tenderer has delivered supplies under at least one contract, or alternatively at least 2 contracts with a combined budget, of at least 160 000 EUR in supply and commissioning contract of Geophysical or Hydrogeological or Geotechnical equipment including Drilling Rig capable of up to 300m depth drilling which was implemented during the following period: 5 years from the submission deadline (March 2013 to February 2018),

— Lot 3: The tenderer has delivered supplies under at least one contract, or alternatively at least 2 contracts with a combined budget, of at least 170 000 EUR the supply and delivery of water analytical laboratory equipment which was implemented during the following period: 5 years from the submission deadline (March 2013 to February 2018),

— Lot 4: The tenderer has delivered supplies under at least one contract, or alternatively at least 2 contracts with a combined budget, of at least 140 000 EUR in supplies, delivery, application, installation, commissioning and training of data base management system (DBMS) which was implemented during the following period: 5 years from the submission deadline (March 2013 to February 2018),

— Lot 5: The tenderer has delivered supplies under at least one contract, or alternatively at least 2 contracts with a combined budget, of at least 560 000 EUR for sales, supply and delivery of motor vehicles of 10 or more fleet which was implemented during the following period: 5 years from the submission deadline (March 2013 to February 2018).




16. Selection Criteria


3) Technical capacity of tenderer (based on i.a. items 5 and 6 of the Tender Form for a Supply Contract). The reference period which will be taken into account will be the last 5 years from submission deadline.

— Lot 1: The tenderer has delivered supplies under at least one contract, or alternatively at least 2 contracts with a combined budget, of at least 80 000 EUR in delivery, installation and commissioning of diesel driven electrical power generator(s) of 15kva or more capacity and DC Inverter electrical power systems of 2.5kva or more capacity which were implemented during the following period: 5 years from the submission deadline (May 2013 to April 2018),

— Lot 2: The tenderer has delivered supplies under at least one contract, or alternatively at least 2 contracts with a combined budget, of at least 160 000 EUR in supply and commissioning contract of Geophysical or Hydrogeological or Geotechnical equipment including Drilling Rig capable of up to 300m depth drilling which was implemented during the following period: 5 years from the submission deadline (May 2013 to April 2018),

— Lot 3: The tenderer has delivered supplies under at least one contract, or alternatively at least 2 contracts with a combined budget, of at least 170 000 EUR the supply and delivery of water analytical laboratory equipment which was implemented during the following period: 5 years from the submission deadline (May 2013 to April 2018),

— Lot 4: The tenderer has delivered supplies under at least one contract, or alternatively at least 2 contracts with a combined budget, of at least 140 000 EUR in supplies, delivery, application, installation, commissioning and training of data base management system (DBMS) which was implemented during the following period: 5 years from the submission deadline (May 2013 to April 2018),

— Lot 5: The tenderer has delivered supplies under at least one contract, or alternatively at least 2 contracts with a combined budget, of at least 560 000 EUR for sales, supply and delivery of motor vehicles of 10 or more fleet which was implemented during the following period: 5 years from the submission deadline (May 2013 to April 2018).


All other terms and conditions of the contract notice remain unchanged. The above alterations and/or corrections to the contract notice are integral part of the contract notice

Источник закупки


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