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Nelson City Council - Bi-cultural Freshwater Education Programme - RFP - Mar2019 (примерный перевод: Нельсон-Сити Council - Бикультурная образовательная программа по пресноводным ресурсам - RFP - Mar2019) (Новая Зеландия - Тендер #4745835)


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Страна: Новая Зеландия (другие тендеры и закупки Новая Зеландия)
Организатор тендера: New Zealand Government Electronic Tenders Service
Номер конкурса: 4745835
Дата публикации: 22-03-2019
Источник тендера:

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RFx ID : 20867066
Tender Name : Nelson City Council - Bi-cultural Freshwater Education Programme - RFP - Mar2019
Reference # : A2151320
Open Date : Friday, 22 March 2019 10:00 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00)
Close Date : Wednesday, 1 May 2019 3:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Tender Type : Request for Proposals (RFP)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency [?]
Categories :
  • 60103600 - Multicultural activities and resources
  • 60104200 - Water testing and conservation and ecology
  • Nelson
  • Tasman
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Joanna Wilson (Environmental Programmes Adviser, Nelson City Council)
Alternate Physical Delivery Address :
Alternate Physical Fax Number :

The bi-cultural freshwater education programme previously known as Waimaori initially came about as a Whitebait Connection Pilot in 2005 under the Department of Conservation in Nelson-Tasman. The programme is ready for a refresh and the requirements include re-branding and marketing the programme.

The objectives of the bi-cultural freshwater education programme are:
(a) To promote awareness of Māori values and practices around waterways and deliver sessions through a cultural lens by:
• Showing respect for tikanga Māori and the traditional practices relating to mahinga kai and resource gathering
• Encouraging the understanding of whakapapa in our natural environment
• Supporting the revival and protection of the mauri of waterways e.g. spawning sites, wahi tapu, historical kai gathering areas and high use recreational areas
• Inspiring pride and action towards the protection of the natural values of streams and rivers, and the role of kaitiaki
• Using Cultural Health Indicators (CHI) alongside scientific methods
(b) To provide hands-on experiences and activities related to catchments and waterways that increase awareness and understanding of their value, and use a range of monitoring methods to:
• Show how a catchment works
• Illustrate the necessity of biodiversity and common threats to stream health and fish passage
• Facilitate observations and experiences on the physical features of waterways and the habitats needed for different types of species
• Enable the collection of meaningful data on the health of waterways by participants and support the use of this data
(c) To encourage and support actions that will enhance the health of waterways including:
• The role of riparian planting with an emphasis on shade-providing native vegetation
• A range of practical solutions to enhance stream health and fish passage

Источник закупки


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