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CALL FOR PROPOSALS Implementation of Mountain Communities - Government Dialogues (примерный перевод: ПРИЗЫВ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ Реализация горных общин - правительственные диалоги) (Лесото - Тендер #2960010)


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Страна: Лесото (другие тендеры и закупки Лесото)
Организатор тендера: United Nations Procurement Notices (UNDP)
Номер конкурса: 2960010
Дата публикации: 07-03-2018
Источник тендера:

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CALL FOR PROPOSALS Implementation of Mountain Communities - Government Dialogues
Procurement Process : Other
Office : Lesotho - LESOTHO
Deadline : 16-Mar-18
Posted on : 07-Mar-18
Development Area : OTHER
Reference Number : 44645
Link to Atlas Project :
00095075 - Enhancing Capacity for Resilience
Documents :
Mountain Government Dialogues Proposal Template
OP 6 Brochure
Reporting Form for Mountain Dialogues
Overview :

The mountain communities are among the most disadvantaged of the world, while at the same time playing an important role in the sustainable development of our planet. The mountain ecosystems and communities are impacted by the effects of climate change, while their traditional knowledge and biocultural heritage are critical for addressing climate change adaptation, mitigation and food security. Despite the importance of mountain peoples and environments, they are often overlooked in the national and international planning and negotiations processes and do not receive adequate support and resources to build resilience and ensure sustainable development.

It’s critical to support mountain communities in establishing long-lasting processes and policies that strengthen the resilience of mountain peoples and environments. In particular, High Level Political Forum (HLPF) presents an opportunity to raise awareness of the issues affecting mountain peoples and ecosystems. The theme of the HLPF this year is “transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies”. It will be addressing 5 key SDG’s. These are: Goals 6 (water and sanitation), 7 (access to modern energy), 11 (safe cities and human settlements), 12 (sustainable production and consumption patterns), and Goal 15 (life on land).

Therefore, in preparation for the HLPF, The GEF Small Grants (SGP) Programme is launching CSO-Government Dialogues focusing on topics relevant to mountain communities in Lesotho, Bhutan, Tajikistan, PNG, Nepal and Guatemala. To advance these dialogues, SGP invites proposals from qualified civil society organizations representing mountain communities to carry out a national CSO-Government dialogue in LESOTHO.

Источник закупки


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